Pineapple Ginger Beer Recipe
  • 1litre water
  • 60ml ground ginger(4 tablespoons)
  • 3cups sugar
  • 4litres cold water
  • 1/2cup raisins
  • 1 pineapplepeeled and chopped
  • 3ml cream of tartar
  • 5ml tartaric acid
  • 15ml instant dry yeast(optional)
  1. Boil the 1 litre of water with the sugar and ginger for about 20 minutes.
  2. Transfer to a large pot or bucket and add the rest of the water.
  3. Add the raisins, pineapple, cream of tartar and tartaric acid.
  4. Dissolve the yeast in a bit of warm water and add to mixture.
  5. Cover and leave at room temperature until the raisins bob to the top.
  6. Decant into bottles with tight fitting lids (empty soda bottles work well) and refrigerate.